Talk to us

Oaklee are here for residents. You can contact our Services Centre for all your housing enquiries by phone at:

01 400 2650

Reporting a Repair

You can report a repair by contacting the our Services Centre on
 01 400 2650 or emailing us at Our Services Centre deal will all your property repair needs, from logging the repair through to following up with our contractors to ensure that the work is done in a timely fashion.

Oaklee also operates an emergency repair helpline for residents who have an emergency repair outside normal office hours. To access this service you can telephone the Helpline on 01 400 2650

All repairs are categorised as emergency, urgent or routine; each with a time frame within which the repair will be completed.

Reasons for Repair

To be commenced immediately and no later than 4 hours and completed or made safe within 24 hours.

  • Total loss of heating (Dependent upon time of year)

  • Total loss of electrical power (Dependent upon time of year)

  • Unsafe power, lighting / power socket or electrical fitting

  • Blocked or leaking drain (Only if leaking internally and tenant has tried to clear)

  • W/C not flushing or blocked (If only one in dwelling)


To be commenced immediately and no later than 4 hours and completed or made safe within 24 hours.

  • Total loss of heating (Dependent upon time of year)

  • Total loss of electrical power (Dependent upon time of year)

  • Unsafe power, lighting / power socket or electrical fitting 

  • Insecure external window, door or lock

  • Leak from pipe, tank or cistern

To be made safe and/or completely within 24 hours.

  • Insecure external window, door or lock

  • Leak from pipe, tank or cistern

To be commenced and completed within 4 working days.

  • Leaking roof (dependent upon time of year)

  • Partial loss of heating (dependent upon time of year)

  • Loose or detached bannister or handrail

  • Door entry phone / bell not working


To be commenced and completed within 28 calender days.

  • Faulty internal door or lock

  • Damaged path, driveway

  • Replacement of kitchen unit doors


To ensure that your repair is completed to the highest standard, we may have a skilled Property Services Officer contact you to inspect or assess your repair request.

Give Feedback

We want to hear from you if you have any comments, suggestions or compliments about our services or staff.

We define a complaint as ‘any oral or written expression of dissatisfaction by any person, however made, about the service, action or inaction of Oaklee Housing or its officers which requires a response’. The Association has implemented a dedicated Customer Services Centre for you to report repairs or make general housing enquiries.

You can make a complaint using the by telephone, 01 400 2650.

In person or by in writing to:

132 James’s street

D08 PK25

Our first action will be to consider if we can resolve your concern immediately. If we can’t, we will register your complaint. We aim to acknowledge all complaints within one working day.

Contact Form

Problems can be raised informally in the first instance. Please discuss your concerns with your Scheme Coordinator, Housing Officer, Property Services Officer or Development Officer. Where a complainant is unhappy with the initial response, he or she has the opportunity to appeal to a higher level within Choice. We will fully investigate all reasonable complaints made about our service and aim to find a solution as quickly as possible. Where we cannot resolve the issue immediately, you can ask to have your complaint dealt with through our three stage complaints procedure.

Step 1

  • Total loss of heating (Dependant on time of year)

  • Total loss of electrical power (Dependant upon time of the year)

  • Unsafe power, lighting / power socket or electrical fitting

  • Insecure external window, door or lock

  • Leak from pipe, tank or cistern

Step 2

  • Total loss of heating (Dependant on time of year)

  • Total loss of electrical power (Dependant upon time of the year)

  • Unsafe power, lighting / power socket or electrical fitting

  • Insecure external window, door or lock

  • Leak from pipe, tank or cistern

Step 3

  • Total loss of heating (Dependant on time of year)

  • Total loss of electrical power (Dependant upon time of the year)

  • Unsafe power, lighting / power socket or electrical fitting

  • Insecure external window, door or lock

  • Leak from pipe, tank or cistern

Complaint Procedure

In order to ensure impartiality, Oaklee reserves the right to engage the services of Housing Rights to comment on how we conducted our investigation. Before sending a complaint, please consider if Choice is the appropriate body to complain to about your issue

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